Stars Hot Chili  (Chili)
1994 Registered  AQHA Mare #3306016
Stars Hot Chili - 1994 Black Registered Quarter Horse MareStars Hot Chili - 1994 Black Registered Quarter Horse Mare Stars Hot Chili -1994 Black Registered AQHA Broodmare

Chili with 3 of her foals:
 1. newborn 2003    2. 2004 black APHA colt @1 month   3. Black daughter AQHA Intimibar Twist
Chili with 1 day old 2003 foalsStars Hot Chili - 1994 Black Registered Quarter Horse Mare with 2004 foalIntimibar Twist, black AQHA daughter of Stars Hot Chili

Sex:           Mare
Birthdate:   March 16, 1994
Color:        Definitely Black, but registered as a brown. (She was initially registered as a brown when she was a baby; no one bothered to change it to black, but the proof is in the pudding - she is black, not brown ,and absolutely not a bay). She has had 2 black APHA foals and 1 black AQHA filly and only once was she bred to a black stud.  


Black with 3 white socks; Star, Stipe and Snip.
About Her:

         Here's a broodmare with double Impressive Breeding with a bit of Two Eyed Jack and a little TB.  What a nice combination.

A real pretty mare, well-balanced mare.  Approx 15.1HH.  She consistently has excellent foals; She catches, delivers and mothers with ease.   If they're dark, they're jet black. All have had lovely heads, nice hips and lots of muscle.  She is strictly a broodmare however she is very easy to handle.  A good mother, gentle to be around.  Leads, tied, trailers all very well.
Asking Price:  $2200  CDN   I regret parting with her as I know how long I looked for a BLACK registered QH mare with good conformation; broodmares are a dime a dozen, but not good quality black ones like her.  

Stars Hot Chili

Intimidator Star

Impressive Chili

The Intimidator

  Scoot's Bay Star

  Jacks Impressive

  Chili Double Chant


  School Queen 

  Scoot Baron

  Bert's Bay Star 

  Taylors Impressive

  Cow Lady Jackie

  Mr Chant Bob

  Babe Double Star

Lucky Bar (TB)

Glamour Bars

Mark V Bars

Fran's Tar Baby

Bar Mount

Scooter's Charm

Sonny Bert

Holy Sage


Otoe's Jo Tone

Two Eyed Jack

Cow Lady Drift

Mobile's WOnder

Dollbar Bob

Dancing Dandy

Moreno Idle